Asp Net Core 8: Calendar Control Without Using jQuery In MVC

Asp Net Core 8: Calendar Control Without Using jQuery In your mvc using to capture at controller end and display in view (.cshtml).

Today’s article I will show you how you can create a date calendar without using jQuery in you core 8 mvc (mvc 6 and mvc 7) application in razor page and get the selected date at controller end and display in your view using, .vbhtml)

For displaying a calendar control in core mvc application first we need to create an core mvc application. Now add the controller and add the view in project and add the below code into the view.

@using (Html.BeginForm("Index", "Home", FormMethod.Post, new { @Id = "formdata", @enctype = "multipart/form-data" }))
    <div class="text-center">
        <b>Select Date:</b>
        @Html.TextBox("dataOfBirth", "", new { @class = "form-control", @type = "date" })
        <br />
        <input type="submit" value="Submit" />
        <br />   <br />
        <b>Your Selected Date: </b>@ViewBag.SelectedDate
In above code i have added a Form tag, TextBox control and a Submit button. Here in TextBox control out Calander control option will come to select the date. Ones you select the date in the textbox to get the selected date at controller end we need to click on Submit button.

How To Add Calander Control in .cshtml File?

In above code I am having a form tag with form method of post type (FormMethod.Post). This form tag will help us to post the form on click on submit button control. Here in TextBox control, name of the control is dataOfBirthSo, to make the textbox control have the calendar control I have added a tag named as @type="date".
This attribute help to convert the textbox control into a calendar control. In this I have used viewbag to display the selected value in calendar.

How to Add Post Method and Capture Value at Controller End?

To capture the selected value at controller end we need the passed parameter value in HttpPost method same as the control name in your view.
        public IActionResult Index()
            return View();
        public IActionResult Index(DateTime dataOfBirth)
            var selectedDate = dataOfBirth;
            ViewBag.SelectedDate = selectedDate;   
            return View();
In above code I am having HttpGet and HttpPost method. In post method we have a parameter with name  dataOfBirth. So we are going the use this variable to get the selected date at controller end. Here one thing we need to notice one thing that the TextBox control name and the HttpPost method passed parameter is having the same name. To display the selected at view end we are passing or assigning the value to viewbag to display it on user end.

Now run the code and check the output.


Now click on Calendar icon. Your Calendar will open.


Now select the date and click on submit. Ones your break point hit you will get date as shown below at controller end. Here most important thing you need to keep the control name and the post method passed parameter name same.

selected date in controller

Now press F5 and check the output.

selected date in view

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