Let me point out few of the major benefits of GitHub Repository.
- It is available free of cost
- Secure repository
- Full control over the code repository
- Repository limit size is 5GB
- Max file size to upload is 25MB
- Easy to checkout and check-in code
- Easy to integrate with Visual Studio
In above page click on "Signup".
Click on Visual puzzle or in Audio puzzle. I have chosen the Visual puzzle. On clicking in Visual Puzzle, we will get a puzzle which we need to solve.
After correct verification you will get onscreen notification as shown below.
After human verification you need to verify your email id. For this you will receive an email from GitHub which will have 6-digit verification code. You need to add the six digits in the given fields.
The email received by you will looks as shown below.
After verifying your account email id, you need to come back and click on Sign In button icon available on top right corner of the page. You login will looks as shown below. Here you need to enter the provided a valid email id or username and password to login.
On successful login you will be redirected to your dashboard. Here you will get option to create a new repository. To create a new repository, you need to click on "New" button available on top left of the page.
As we click on New we will redirect to other page where we need to provide detail of our repository. Here you need to enter the repository name and select the option Public or Private of your repository. If you select Public, it will be available for all anyone will be able to download the code from this repository. If you are making the repository as Private only authorized person can download the code. at the end you need click on "Create Repository" button. Now we are done with creating the repository. After clicking in "Create Repository" We will redirect to repository section where we will get all detail which is required for a repository like repository URL, Setting, Code Section and many more.