Now add a controller and add an IActionResult HttpGet method. In this method we will add a controller and add the below code in the View.
ViewData["Title"] = "Home Page";
<h1>File Data In wwwroot Folder</h1><br />
public IActionResult Index()
string folderPath = @"\wwwroot\DemoFiles\";
string filename = "DemoTextFile.txt";
string finalPath = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}",Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), folderPath, filename);
if (Path.Exists(finalPath))
var textFileData = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(finalPath);
ViewBag.FileData = textFileData;
ViewBag.Message = "Given file does not exists.";
return View();
string finalPath = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}",
Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), folderPath, filename);
var textFileData = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(finalPath);
ViewBag.FileData = textFileData;
In above code I have used System.IO.File.ReadAllText(finalPath) to rea the file content. Here if we dont user System.IO we will get the error. So, it always use it as given in the code.
ControllerBase.File(byte[], string)' is a method, which is not valid in the given context
After reading the date i have stored into ViewBag. This we will display in view. Now let's put a break point and check the output.
In above code we are able to get the text file content. Now let's press F5 to check the output.